
Неймовірне перетворення: важила 123 кг англійка схудла вдвічі, щоб стати нареченою

By vasyl k

January 24, 2017

26-річна мешканка Ліверпуля Дженніфер Гінлі, яка ще зовсім недавно важила 123,2 кг, схудла вдвічі, щоб вийти до вівтаря стрункою нареченою.

Про це пише Daily Mail.

Сьогодні Дженніфер охоче говорить про свою надмірну вагу. Так звані золоті роки її молодості пройшли з рядом проблем, пов’язаних з масою в 123 кг: дівчині доводилося використовувати спеціальні пристрої, щоб убезпечити себе ременем в авто і літаках, бо стандартні ремені не охоплюють її фігуру, вона не поміщалася в атракціони та, звичайно , же налічувала в собі безліч комплексів.

У той же час щоденний раціон Дженніфер складався з чіпсів, шоколаду, жирної їжі, дешевої магазинної їжі і газованих напоїв.

Справжнім стимулом для роботи над собою став намір коханого Дженніфер зробити їй пропозицію руки і серця. Вона дізналася про це випадково і лише тоді задумалась, як буде виглядати біля вівтаря. Щоб не говорити своєму майбутньому чоловікові “ні”, протягом декількох років вона просила його почекати.

“Коли я усвідомила, яких розмірів наряд мені потрібно, я зрозуміла, що потрібно з цим щось робити”, – розповіла вона.

Дженніфер стала консультуватися з фахівцями, суворо дотримуватися здорового харчування і почала вести активний спосіб життя.

В результаті дівчина скинула 62,8 кг, ставши не тільки чарівною нареченою, але і зіркою соціальних мереж, де її прозвали “Міс стрункість-2017”. Сьогодні за життям Кінлі в Instagram стежать понад 75 000 користувачів з усього світу.

Читайте також: Фліртувала, погрожувала,плакала і врешті-решт заявила що вагітна від патрульного. П’яна блондинка в шубі за 10000$ стала новою зіркою мережі (відео)

Exactly a year apart! Just sat looking at my pictures from this past weekend and smiling to myself. Last year on our 10 year anniversary I was a couple of weeks into slimming world, loving my new found commitment to plan (had failed quite a few times before, even with SW). I allowed myself 8 days off plan on holiday, ate what I wanted and drank alcohol most days. I gained 5.5 pound and lost that exactly that the following week with 7 days of food optimising. I mean it when I say @slimmingworld literally gave me my life back. Food optimising makes me feel in control, it makes me realise that health and nutrition isn’t all or nothing. You can have a little bit of the bad (syns) when you want but you can truly enjoy a healthy diet without feeling deprived, bored or unsatisfied (unlimited free foods). I am so passionate about Slimming World as I have lived it’s magic. I lost 9 stone in one year simply by following the food plan day in, day out. No exercise, just making the best choices I could every meal time. If you would have told me last year that I would be at target (9 stone loss) in one year and I’d be wearing a size 8 dress, I would have laughed. I truly didn’t think it would happen so fast but you know what? When I seen those numbers on the scales dropping week by week, the more committed I was, the stronger my willpower got, the more water I drank, the more speed food I ate, the cleaner my syns got, I loved the plan and my new lifestyle more and more. 💚 Just before I said ‘simple”. NO it is not simple to make the right choices every day, it’s a mental battle but you can win it. Shock yourself, be a little strict and it becomes easier. You think that girl on the left could exert control around food?! Very little. But me right now, I have full control, you become that way through practice. No one can put that hard work in for you. You have to be committed to changing your mentality. It CAN be done. 🌈 This weekend I’ve probably gained at least 5.5 lb (currently feels like double that 😂) but so what?! Life is supposed to have indulgent periods and you know what if anyone knows how to lose weight it is a Slimming World’er. Luckily I’m one of those! 💖

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

#transformationtuesday Me last June in the airport going on holiday (1 stone lighter after 4 weeks on SW) ➡️ me about an hour ago in the same top, I can’t get rid of it, it encompasses my two favourite beings – Beyoncè & Ariel! 😍 I’m just on my way the airport, I packed my case about an hour ago and then downloaded a book about procrastination on my kindle! I am so last minute and I hate it. 😂 Anyway! My point I’m trying to make – I felt like I was packing someone else’s case!!! Every item a size 8 or 10 and real life bikinis. It’s so surreal! Believe in yourself, get stuck in and lose the weight. I wish I had done it years ago. It’s not easy but my god is it worthwhile. It was much harder disliking myself because I couldn’t fulfill my weight loss dream year in, year out. Just wake up every morning, love yourself, be positive and think I CAN DO IT! I WOKE UP LIKE THIS! 💘 If I can, you can. I’m a normal, non exercising girl who loves food. Just trust the plan, enjoy your food and develop your willpower little by little. Soon what seems impossible becomes habit. Sugar to sweetener, daily chocolate to weekly. It allllll comes with effort. Believe in yourself. 💖 #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#slimmingworldinsta#swinsta#foodoptimising#slimmingworldfollowers#swmafia#swfriends#swfamily#weightloss#weightlossjourney#losingweight#cleaneating#healthydiet#healthyliving#healthyeating#beforeandafter#weightlosstransformation#transformation#weightlossmotivation#bodytransformation#weightlossinspiration#9stonedown#greatestloser2016#slimmigworldtargetmember

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

#transformationtuesday My summer holidays and a bardot dress, one year apart. ☀️ June 2015, Agadir Morocco 🇲🇦 June 2016, Kallithea Rhodes 🇬🇷 In Morocco last year I was so happy as I’d been following SW for 4 weeks and I had lost a stone ahead of my holiday. I was proud. I had finally stuck to changing my ways with food allowing me to lose a stone. I never achieved that before, I would ‘diet’, lose a few pounds, reward myself with the food that would get my back into my unhealthy habits and give up. 😔 Be proud of yourself at every single stage. I believe attitude is so important in a weight loss journey! You will have disappointments, you will have countless opportunities to get annoyed and throw the towel in, don’t!! It’s called a journey and in all honesty it never ends, I’m at target now and I’m still learning, still focusing on becoming better and healthier, that’s a good thing. 😁 In my second with SW week I maintained, I followed the plan to the letter and was so frustrated, I cried. On reflection it was the week before star week (when I have a huge appetite and lots of water retention) and I didn’t focus on speed free foods enough. I could have easily given up then, I didn’t, I let it make me more determined! I’m so thankful I did! 😆 If you look at your salad and think ‘diet food’ then your attitude can fail you and push you back to your old ways. My food likes/dislikes, appetite and attitude towards food has completely changed, I never anticipated that! Remain HAPPY, PROUD and COMMITTED! Just focus on you, change your daily routine and change your life. You’re not ON a diet, you’re changing your diet, you’re becoming a happier, healthier you. 🌈 Keep this is mind – if you are PERSISTENT you will get it, if you are CONSISTENT you will keep it. Make the change for good and you’ll make yourself happy and proud your whole life. 💖 #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#slimmingworldinsta#swinsta#foodoptimising#slimmingworldfollowers#swmafia#swfriends#swfamily#weightloss#weightlossjourney#losingweight#beforeandafter#weightlosstransformation#transformation#weightlossmotivation#bodytransformation#weightlossinspiration#slimmingworldtargetmember

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

#transformationtueaday Last May (2015) I joined @slimmingworld for the 4th time I think. I was determined to change my life. I was sick of seeing pictures like that on the left and not recognising myself, I was sick of letting myself down and I was sick of being controlled by my food issues. 😥 Natural weight loss (no surgery, pills, potions etc.) is the hardest route to take because it demands you fix the issues that made your overweight. It is strenuous mental game. We all gain weight for different reasons and I now know mine mainly were emotional eating, giving into processed food cravings, a mental weakness, laziness and lack of routine. No one in the world can do it for you, you have to develop discipline yourself. You are without doubt capable but you have to wake up every morning and fight the demons, make the best choices and let your strength develop. My motto that gets me through each day – willpower is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets. 🙌 Seriously I had NO willpower with food, I couldn’t say no, I’d eat to the point of feeling sick and think it’s ok, I’ll sort it tomorrow. With that attitude tomorrow never comes. Use Slimming World as the incredible tool that it is, you can eat copious amounts of fresh, tasty, nutritious foods and lose weight every single week. I didn’t exercise, I just followed the plan, had on average 5 days low syn/syn free and drank 2 – 3 litres of water a day. Don’t ever tell yourself you’re not capable, tell yourself it’s the most difficult but worthwhile thing you’ll ever do and try every single day! 💪 SUCCESS IS THE SUM OF SMALL EFFORTS, REPEATED DAY IN DAY OUT. 🌟 #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#slimmingworldinsta#swinsta#foodoptimising#slimmingworldfollowers#swmafia#swfriends#swfamily#weightloss#weightlossjourney#losingweight#cleaneating#healthydiet#healthyliving#healthyeating#beforeandafter#weightlosstransformation#transformation#weightlossmotivation#bodytransformation#weightlossinspiration#9stonedown#greatestloser2016#targetmember#slimmingworldtargetmember#swtargetmember#naturalweightloss

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

Wedding ready! Lady in red today ❣ Have a gorgeous Friday all ❤️ #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#slimmingworldinsta#swinsta#swfooddiary#foodoptimising#slimmingworldfood#slimmingworldfollowers#swmafia#swfriends#swfamily#weightloss#weightlossjourney#losingweight#cleaneating#healthyfood#fooddiary#willpower#onplan#targetmember#swtargetmember#slimmingworldtargetmember#weddingready#lovemydress

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

On Tuesday I woke up to 40k followers. I really cannot even begin to explain how me crazy that is to me! When I started this Instagram I never dreamed I would gain this much support. Those of you that call me an inspiration – I can’t even put into words how much that means to me. I feel like I’ve been trying to lose weight my whole life. To finally be here, living with the life I’ve dreamed of is indescribable, to know my my whole journey is public and can motivate others to do the same is the cherry on the cake. ❣ This is my full food diary, I don’t record my intake elsewhere. I can’t thank you enough for following me, you’ve helped me get to where I am today. This page has been a HUGE part of my commitment to the plan. Visual food diaries are nothing short of incredible in my eyes, regardless of the amount of followers, it’s all about you. I posted in the exact same way when I had no followers. I work full time and I do struggle keeping up with comments and messages now. I plan on doing Q & A posts so people can ask me questions there when I have free time. Please don’t find me ignorant if you’re waiting for a replying on anything, when I’m on here I try and reply to as much as I can. 💖 A girl messaged me a few weeks ago, simply thanking me for posting as her and her Mum have benefited and learned so much just by spending time looking on my page, she said she seen I worked full time and wanted to thank me for still posting and putting detail on the posts. Well I cried my little eyes out. I feel guilty at times that I cant keep up. I want you to all know how thankful I am although for you following me. The reason I acknowledge these follower milestones is so that I can do a thank you giveaway. I just like to run them as I want you to all know how thankful I am for your support. Here’s a big fat kiss from me. Keep a lookout for the giveaway post I’ll be posting tomorrow, fab gifts for the winner. 😘 #jsg40k#shamelessselfie#nofilter#kissfromme#slimmingworldtargetmember#40kfollowers#thankyouforfollowingme#jsggiveaway#slimmingworld#swtargetmember#slimmingworlduk#sothankful#slimmingworldinsta#swfamily#swfriends#bodytransformation#weightlossjourney

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

A little #trasformationtuesday on this wonderful Wednesday morning 😄 Left – January 2015 in Florida, coming to then end of a two week Christmas holiday. I cried seeing my belly in those shorts. 😞 Right – Saturday just gone. Less than 16 months after starting @slimmingworld I WEIGH what I have LOST! 😬💃 On that left picture I was thinking ‘as soon as I’m home I need to go on a diet’. I had that New Years resolution for what felt like my whole life. I had been ‘on a diet’ since I was about 15. I gained weight year in, year out. The stricter I was on myself the bigger I’d fail. I had spent two weeks feeling the biggest I’d ever felt, it dawned on me how bad things were and how bad my relationship with food was. I was a size 24/26, I actually had one pair of size 28 shorts I wore that holiday. I had to use the ‘adjusted’ seats on the rides and I couldn’t even fit on some; humiliating doesn’t even cover it. I had done that to myself?! I was a comfort eater and generally was out of control with food. 😔 After 4 months of trying to ‘diet’, in May 2015 I joined @slimmingworld with a new attitude; fix your issues with food, start cooking, get a routine, change your ways and stay positive! My attitude was different. I didn’t go ‘on a diet’, I switched the balance of my diet, the healthy choices outweighed the indulgences. 👌 Rather than focussing solely on results as I had before, I focussed on change, those small changes in me; saying no to food, planning indulgences and remaining in control. I’m still impressed with myself to this day when I make the best choices and resist temptation. Focussing on change meant the results came week in, week out. I flex that willpower muscle every single day. 💪 Purely with food optimising I lost 9 stone in 1 year. I’ve gone on to lose a further 9 lbs to reach my final target. One of the highlights?! Fitting in the wonderful size 6 and 8 vintage dresses (like the one above) I have owned for so long! I finally feel like the happy, young, confident girl I should! Also a bonus that I no longer weigh more than my 6ft 5 boyfriend. I’ve kept him on the pictures simply because he is divine 😍. If I can achieve this, know that you can too. 💘

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

#transformationtuesday Left – as my sister’s bridesmaid in 2009 😞 Right – as my best friend’s bridesmaid in August 2016 😃 In the before picture I was nowhere near my biggest. My sister had asked me to be her maid of honour the year before. At the time I was an 18/20. I asked my sister to get me a size 16 dress. I promised her I would fit into it. I went on the Cambridge meal replacement diet in 2008, I went to JD sports and spent all kind on gym clothes in January 2009 and joined a gym. Did I go? Of course not. I went on every ‘diet’ I could think of but I would fail and end up heavier through comfort eating. These were expensive dessy dresses shipped from America, there was no easy replacement. My sister had to spend the day before her wedding in a wedding dress shop with me, having it altered as it was nowhere near zipping up. I had to have a lace up back put in. Just look how uncomfortable I look?! I’ve never been more embarrassed. I felt so sorry for my sister who trusted me and I let her down. In the past I always tried to lose weight for an event, I always needed a ‘diet’ and I always needed quick weight loss. 😒 Fast forward to 2015, I joined @slimmingworld for the fourth time, not to go on a diet, not to fit into a dress, not to rush or get fast results. I joined as I was so exhausted of my own ways. I was tired of food controlling me, I hated that I was comfort eating my way to a bigger size year in year out. I was wasting my younger years with ‘lose weight’ at the top of my to do list. A couple of months into SW last year my best friend asked me to be her bridesmaid, I had been so proud of myself developing willpower everyday and building a healthy routine for myself. I’d lost around 2 stone, I was still a around size 22. I asked her to get me a size 10 dress and she believed in me and did exactly that. Well I had to go a few days before her wedding and have it taken in! The top part was taken into the the effect of a size 6/8. I felt so proud and so much more comfortable. Forget slimming for an event, no one changes for good under pressure. Commit to changing one day at a time. WILLPOWER IS LIKE A MUSCLE, THE MORE YOU USE IT, THE STRONGER IT GETS!❣

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

There I was sat admiring the the majesty that is Hogwarts in the snow and Luke, my best friend, love of my life and soul mate got down on one knee, opened a little black box revealing the most incredible ring I’ve ever laid eyes on. He must have liked it because he just put a ring on it!!!!! Is this real life?! I cannot put into words how I feel! I’m an emotional wreck! The words he said to me before asking me to marry him will stay with my my whole life. I LOVE HIM BEYOND BELIEF. 😭👯💍⚡️🎄🏰❤❣ #slimmingworldtargetmember #engaged #hepoppedthequestion #justgotengaged #ofcourseisaidyes #wearegettingmarried #wbtourlondon #hogwartsproposal

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

My two favourite film series merged providing with me with the ultimate Christmas jumper! 🙌 MERRY CHRISTMAS YA FILTHY MUGGLE ⚡️🎅🏻🎄 I needed it in Gryffindor colours (obviously) but adult sizes had sold out, age 12 – 13 was therefore purchased! Thankfully it fits haha!! 😍 Food picture to follow but @deliciouslyella pancakes are ridiculously good!! SO tasty and not stodgy at all. 😍🥞🥜🍓🍌 @wbtourlondon later and I’m SO excited!!!! I wearing my HP necklace, ring and earrings from @lovelayyanah 💫⚡️ #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#foodoptimising#slimmingworldfood#slimmingworldmeals#targetmember#swtargetmember#slimmingworldtargetmember#deliciouslyella#themaedelibydeliciouslyella#themaedeli#maedeli#vegan#glutenfree#freshgoodness#merrychristmasyoufilthymuggle#christmasjumper

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)

Enjoy your NYE celebrations you beautiful humans!! A big New Years kiss from me to you 😘 This evening is the first time in 3 weeks I’ve made the slightest effort with my appearance and about the 3rd time out of pyjamas 😂! Allllll my love to Eylure eyelashes and @benefitcosmeticsuk Hoola for making me feel girly again 💁

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg)
